Trunk Animation Ltd. – Three Great Animators
There’s some wonderful animation happening at Trunk Animation Ltd. from Steve Smith, Siri Melchior and Layla Atkinson. Here is a list of awards this trio has won from their web site:
Bafta Nomination, 2003
Cartoon d’Or Nomination, 2000 and 2003
Nomination for Best Promo, British Animation Awards 2004
Nomination for Best Promo, British Animation Awards 2004
Special Jury Mention, Brisban International Animation Festival 2004
1st Prize, Aspen Internaiton Film Festival, 2004
Gold Prize, Charleston Film Festival 1997
Audience Prize, Britspotting, Berlin 2004
ASIFA Korean Prize, Siggraph 2003
Silver Award, MADC, Brisbane, Australia 2005
2nd Prize, Chicago Childrens Film Festival 2003
etc, etc, etc….
The list goes on but the few mentions above give you a flavor of the talent pool at Trunk. A huge amount of animation is available on Trunk’s web page including commericials, show reels and movie clips. They’re all worth studying.
The image above is a portion of a scene from “Leap of Faith” by Steven Smith. Dimples doesn’t even like 3D animation but we liked this. It’s 60 seconds of viewing fun. Steve has a section on the Trunk site about moving images and design that is worth reading/watching. He makes a good point that “words are cheap as chips”.
Layla Atkinson is one of those folks who know exactly what they want to do from a very early age. Her most recent film is “Stealth Lunch”. A coordinated band of foxes pursue their prey through a fantastic landscape. This 90 second film is available for viewing on the Trunk web site. It reminded Dimples of a preditor ballet.
Siri Melchior is the third member of the Trunk team and her movie, “The Dog who is a Cat Inside”, is our favorite. It’s a tremendously inventive bit of animation story-telling. Don’t miss it when you browse the Trunk page.
Variety of invention and fantastic story-telling seem to be epidemic at Trunk Studios. Dimples enjoyed the show.
[tags]Trunk Animation, animation, Steve Smith, Layla Atkinson, Siri Melchior[/tags]